About Us
At Victory World Outreach, Inc. (VWO) our vision is “to seek and save the lost” Luke 19:10. There are four parts of ministry within Victory World Outreach. The founders, Dr. and Mrs. Gardiner Gentry created the ministry in 1999 to serve in Malawi Africa. Our God directed desire is to help build the Kingdom of God.
Victory World Outreach is a Christian based non-profit organization.
Meet the Staff
Dr and Mrs Gentry
Founders and Directors
In 1963, with an 8th grade education, a can-do attitude and a love for Jesus Christ, Dr. Gardiner Gentry was led to become a preacher. During this time in his life, he had a new young bride, Alice and very little money to support them. He would go to seminary during the day and work at night to support them. It was not long until God led them from North Carolina to Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. and Mrs. Gentry started to work in the bus ministry at Beth Haven Baptist Church. By the will of God, the bus ministry grew from 0 to 2,500 in just six short years.
In 1975, Dr. and Mrs. Gentry started Victory Baptist Church. Victory Baptist Church started in a home. The church grew and needed to move to a larger building. It was not long until they outgrew the church and needed to build a larger church. A new church was built and continued to grow. The Gentry’s remained at Victory Baptist Church until 2000.
In 1999, at the age of 64, Dr. and Mrs. Gentry visited the country of Malawi, Africa. Malawi is a third world country and is one of the poorest in the world. The Gentry’s compassion led to what is now Victory World Outreach, Inc. and Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries in Malawi. In 2000, they started spending more and more time in Malawi visiting villages. He answered the call to move from a pastor to a missionary. Once in Malawi, the Gentry’s found the need to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ was great and this is the primary goal of the ministry. Luke 19:10, “the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost.”
The Gentry’s began to seek Malawians to help them achieve this calling. The first church was started in 2001, New Jerusalem Good Samaritan Baptist Church. From this first church, over 950 churches have been started and hundreds of thousands have been led to Jesus Christ.
In 2003, the Gentry’s saw children starving in some of the worst conditions and begging for bread. They were moved to provide a place for children in Malawi. The Good Samaritan Children’s Home started with capacity for 25 children and now houses over 200 children.
In 2014, the Gentry’s started the Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries Bible College. Since the churches were growing so fast, there was a need to provide a solid biblical foundation for the pastors. The college now has 75 students attending.
In 2018, the ministry continued to expand and Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries Bible Clubs were created. The Gentry’s thought if they could teach the village children about Jesus Christ then the parents would want to become involved in learning also. There are over 240 bible clubs meeting every Saturday.
While the Gentry’s don’t travel and live in Malawi as they once did, they are still actively involved in growing the ministry with the primary goal of saving souls.
Meet Our Malawi Team
Isaac Yakobe
President Pastoral Ministry
Isaac Yakobe was born in 1971 in a small village called Makawa in Mpama’s area in Chiradzulu District. He has three siblings, unfortunately two siblings have passed. He studied primary school at Nyungwe primary school from 1980 to 1990. From there he went through Form 2 at Saint Anthony Distant Educational Center. He left school in 1993 because his father passed away and he could not afford the school fees. He lived with his mother in extreme poverty but, through God’s grace, he was able to begin work at the local market in 2001 as a baker to provide for his mother.
In 1994, he married Lucy and God gave them two daughters Margret and Emmly. However, in 2002 he lost his wife to Malaria. He was left alone to raise two daughters. It was during this time he met Dr. Gentry. Dr. Gentry invited him to come to church and this is where he became a Christian. It was the first time he realized he needed Jesus Christ to save him. It was soon after this that God saw the way for another wife, Linda. Through this union God blessed them with five children, two sons and three daughters all together seven children.
“God called me into His field when I was working at ShopRite. God called me to minister at Madams Church at Walala branch in 2009. In 2012, God called me at Mapanga Church and in 2023, God called me to be the President of the Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries.” President Yakobe calls himself the “Servant.”
Thandiwe Chikfenji
President and Director Children’s Home
Thandiwe is a born again Christian and a mother (director) of Good Samaritan Children’s Home in Malawi, Africa. She took this role in 2003 after she worked at Good Samaritan Bible College as a bible college secretary and bible club teacher for 2 years.
When Dr. Gentry, the founder of Good Samaritan, decided to appoint her as the director of this orphanage. She completed her diploma in community development and thought she would work with women in women’s organizations but after a year of working at the children’s home she realized that it was a calling from God. Knowing your calling can be hard, for her it was a battle but she is glad to get the chance to help in the raising of these children and witness a lot of children accept Jesus as their personal savior, having healthy lives and becoming good independent citizens of their country.
Thandiwe is most pleased with the Good Samaritan for giving hope to children that were hopeless and teaching her to trust the Lord more and to be strong.
Whilst enjoying serving God at Good Samaritan, God blessed her with three children, a girl Peace and two boys Andy and Gentry who have also helped her to find joy and accomplishments in what she does. She finds herself wanting to do more for the kids. We are glad she chose to serve God.
Navigator Gome
President Bible College
Navigator Gome started with Dr. Gentry as a security guard in 2000. Dr. Gentry soon realized the love of the Lord that Navigator had. Navigator graduated from Form 4 and then attended college in Zambia where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Theology. He returned to Malawi to become the President of the Bible College.
Navigator is married and lives at the Bible college in Ntcheu.
Maganizo Everson
President Bible Clubs
Maganizo Everson, Malawian citizen, joined Good Samaritan Baptist College 2016 and l started working full-time in 2018 as Bible clubs President. He has grown the Bible Clubs ministry from 0 clubs to over 230 clubs.
He loves the Lord for his great work. He is married to Patricia and they have a son Cosmos.
Meet Our USA Team
Sharon Perkins
Malawi Team Coordinator
Sharon attended Victory Baptist Church as a child. She would ride the bus to church on Sunday mornings. She attended church here until she went to college at 18. After college she started working for Louisville EMS. She retired after 20 years of service. During this time, Sharon attended Little Flock Baptist Church. She served in the children’s ministry.
In 2000, Sharon traveled to Kazakhstan and adopted two children, Bethany and Trevor. Sharon traveled on mission trips to Russia and Ukraine to work in orphanages with the Baptist Convention. Her first mission from God was to raise two children.
In 2005, Sharon began working for the Kentucky Hospital Association. She started working here as a contractor for Bio-terrorism and worked up to Associate Vice President. Sharon has a great understanding of business.
In 2019, Sharon began her journey to becoming a full-time missionary to Malawi, Africa. Sharon has followed the path God has planned for her. She moved to Malawi full-time in 2022. She lives on the Good Samaritan Baptist Ministries compound and services as the team coordinator for the Malawi staff.
Robbie Jones
Robbie Jones is the Facilities Director, and Missions Coordinator at Pitts Baptist Church in Concord, North Carolina. He has been a member there since 2000, and joined the staff 12 years ago. He is married to Deanna, and they have three boys, Barrett, Brennen and Bayden. They are all out of high school and are either working or attending college. Bro. Robbie has a love for Good Samaritan Ministries, and has been involved with the ministry since 2008. He loves the people of Malawi and looks forward to the continuation of the ministry in Malawi. “Winning souls is the number one goal, while also maintaining an orphanage, many churches, a Bible college, and Bible clubs. I am excited to be a part of this ministry.”
Andy Schmidt
Pastor Andy was born and raised in a Christian home in Iowa. He was saved at the age of five and called to preach when he was 16. He has been a pastor for over 25 years. From college he served as a youth pastor until he was called into church planting. He assisted in starting a new work in Iowa, his second church he started and pastored for 10 years, and currently has pastored Central Baptist Church for over 10 years. God has used him to touch countless lives. He approaches each sermon with an earnest spirit and keen enthusiasm. His dedication to serving God is manifested through his selflessness, compassion, and the genuine love he extends towards all individuals in his care.
Board of Directors
Tom O’Dell
Brother O’Dell is a member of Fellowship Baptist Church in Ohio. He is married to Sue. While Brother O’Dell has not traveled to Malawi, he supports many missionaries and special projects both on and off the compound. He is the leader for the Crossroads Men’s group. This group has supported the purchase of bible in Chichewa, which is the native language in Malawi.
Larry Lee
Brother Lee is a member of Christ Community Church in West Virginia. He has traveled to Malawi several times. We have dedicated the toddler house in memory of his loving wife Donna. He supports many special projects both on and off the compound.
Dennis Evinger
Board Member at Large
Brother Dennis is a member of Bethel Baptist Church in Kentucky. He has traveled to Malawi four times and supports many missionaries. In addition to supporting missionaries and special projects, he works closely with Dr. Gentry on the container project.
What we believe
Victory World Outreach, Inc. (VWO) is a Christian mission’s organization in Malawi, Africa. The purpose of VWO is to help reach the souls of Malawians for Christ. The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ, its members are the Body of Christ, and the Pastor is the under-shepherd. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world,” Matthew 28:19-20.
At times, non-Christians may also participate with us in certain ministries and projects or donate to these mission causes. We welcome others to come and see that God gives new life to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While working with us, we expect all volunteers (Christian and non-Christians) to not say or act in opposition to our Statement of Beliefs. Click HERE to see the full Statement of Faith for Victory World Outreach, Inc.
Our Mission
The mission of VWO is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this by proclaiming the gospel to the lost, teaching & preaching the word of God to the saved, baptized and serve the Lord obediently.
Our Vision
The vision of VWO is to have an eternal impact in Malawi, Africa. Our prayer is that we will spread the Word of God, save souls, seek the lost, plant churches, develop pastors, continue to grow as a ministry and care for orphans.